Te zanimajo teme, kot so človekove pravice, demokracija ter aktivno državljanstvo in si star/a med 14 in 26 let?
Pripravili smo brezplačni SPLETNI MENTORSKI PROGRAM ZA ZAGOVORNIŠTVO, katerega namen je usposobiti 140 mladih iz sedmih držav EU, za pridobivanje in razvijanje ključnih veščin in kompetenc.
Cilj programa je podpreti udeležence pri rasti v mladinske voditelje, ki bodo širili pridobljeno znanje, se vključevali v družbena vprašanja na lokalni ali globalni ravni in navdihovali ter podpirali druge.
Program je sestavljen iz vrste spletnih delavnic in zagovorniških nalog, ki se osredotočajo na kritično mišljenje in spodbujanje evropskih vrednot, kot sta demokracija in človekove pravice. Program bo vodil mentor Ciprian Cucu, univerzitetni predavatelj, aktivist in strokovnjak za boj proti dezinformacijam iz Romunije.
Program bo trajal 12 mesecev, v okviru programa je predvidenih 12 delavnic, in sicer ena delavnica na mesec. Udeleženci bodo razdeljeni po starostnih skupinah, vsak udeleženec bo imel na voljo dva termina za vsako delavnico.
Delavnice za starostno skupino od 12 do 17 let se bodo začele prvi petek v aprilu mesecu, torej 7. aprila. Na voljo sta dva termina: od 9:30 do 11:30 ali od 15:30 do 17:30 po srednjeevropskem času.
Delavnice za starostno skupino od 18 do 26 let se bodo začele 21. aprila. Na voljo sta dva termina: od 9:30 do 11:30 ali od 15:30 do 17:30 po srednjeevropskem času.
Program bo potekal v angleškem jeziku prek spletne platforme Zoom.
VABIMO te, da se nam pridružiš v četrtek, 30. marca, ob 17.00, na otvoritvenem spletnem dogodku, kjer se boš lahko seznanil/a z vsemi potrebnimi informacijami glede SPLETNEGA MENTORSKEGA PROGRAMA ZA ZAGOVORNIŠTVO.
Dogodek bo potekal preko spletne platforme Zoom. V dogodek se vključiš preko naslednje povezave;
Meeting ID: 814 7171 5226
Passcode: jG7xUU
V projekt se vključiš tako, da izpolniš prijavnico, ki jo najdeš na naslednji povezavi:
Več informacij v zvezi s projektom lahko najdeš FB strani Mladi voditelji združeni za demokracijo: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089346735299
in na naslednji povezavi: https://respublications.eu/mladi-voditelji-zdruzeni-za-demokracijo/
Lahko nam tudi pišeš na e-poštni naslov: info@youngdemo.eu ali nas pokličeš na telefonsko številko 070 358 395.
Opis mentorskega programa
As we are living in increasingly challenging times that brought a pandemic, war in Europe, and economic hardships, it is more important than ever to promote empathy, pay attention to world events, and do our best to prevent radicalization in our communities.
The mentorship program aims to support participants in growing as youth leaders that would have an increased knowledge about our world reality, get involved in social issues, weather locally or globally, and inspire others to be better.
The program consists in a series of online workshops and individual assignments focused on critical thinking and fostering European values, such as democracy and human rights. Mentor will be Ciprian Cucu, university lecturer, activist, and countering-disinformation expert from Romania.
Each workshop will be two hours long and will be restricted to maximum 40 participants.
Proposed topics for workshops:
- Who runs a country?
A civics workshop about the way power is split among government branches, citizens, NGOs, and political parties.
By the end of the workshop, participants should:- Understand the importance of separation of power and protecting human rights.
- Be able to list at least 5 human rights and describe the mechanisms of governing a democratic country.
- Left, right, and other directions in politics
A civics workshop, introduction to political ideologies. We will discuss, without favoring one particular ideology, what the basics distinctions between “left” and “right” mean in politics, what are other ways of looking at political ideologies, and why it matters. By the end of the workshop, participants should: - Be able to describe main political ideologies and why they are important.
- Understand the limitations of political ideologies and their implementation in practice.
- Act for change: campaigning and advocacy.
Civics workshop focused on understanding and planning awareness and advocacy campaigns. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Define the concept of advocacy, give examples of effective advocacy campaigns.
- Plan an advocacy campaign on a topic of interest.
- I’m a European citizen and I have rights.
Workshop on the functioning of European institutions and what it means to be a European citizen. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Describe the main European institutions and their connections.
- List some benefits of being a citizen of a member state of the European Union and possibilities to act on a European level.
- Fake news and how to spot them.
Introductory media literacy workshop, dealing with main concepts and models to evaluate quality of information. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Define main concepts such as misinformation, disinformation, and fake news.
- Verify if a new article or social media post is “fake news”.
- What is media and when should we trust it?
Media literacy workshop focused on understanding the role and forms of media, as well as evaluation methods for media quality. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Describe various forms of media.
- Analyze information sources in terms of reliability/quality.
Obs: this workshop is a continuation of “Fake news and how to spot them”
- How do we know what we know? Stories and reality.
Workshop in countering disinformation focusing on techniques used in spreading false narratives. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Describe main false narratives being spread in Europe.
- Discover key points in subtle messaging that supports false narratives.
Obs: this workshop is a continuation of “Fake news and how to spot them”
- Listen to reason: argumentation and logical fallacies.
Workshop on critical thinking, starting from the theory of argumentation and focusing on common logical fallacies. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Describe the standard structure of an argument.
- Recognize 3-5 common logical fallacies in written texts.
- Building argument maps.
Workshop on critical thinking, focused on building visual representations of complex arguments. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Understand the need to engage critically with statements and to view both sides of a debate.
- Represent pros / cons of a proposed statement in a visual form to foster understanding.
- Artivism: using art for good.
A civics workshop centered around the importance of art as a means to promote social change. We will use examples of art being used to support social movements or promote positive values. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Understand the role art has in promoting positive values.
- Understand some of the ways art can be used in connection to activism.
- Technology for active citizens.
A technical / technology focused workshop to present some tools that can be of use to activists. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Use applications such as Google Drive, Google Spreadsheets, Google Documents, Google Presentation, Slack, and Miro to better coordinate inside groups and engage with communities.
- Less is more: introduction to graphical design.
Technical workshop focused on design principles and specialized applications that can help in building attractive campaigns. By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Define 3 – 5 principles of good design.
- Use Canva and other applications to create simple but effective designs.
‘’Young Leaders United for Democracy’’ Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them